Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cultivate Your Inner Oasis - By Janet Nesto

20 Thoughts That Create Personal Power

1. I am responsible for myself and all that I experience.

2. My thoughts determine who I am, therefore my positive thoughts
create a positive life.

3. My thoughts create my relationship with my past, my present and
future, my self-worth, my choice of employment, my successes, my
failures, and the quality of my relationships.

4. Everyone has problems. Therefore, I am never alone in my experiences.

5. All negative thoughts can be changed, and all positive thoughts can
be maintained.

6. My negative thoughts and feelings have no power other than the
power I assign them. They are simply thoughts and feelings that are
flexible and flowing if I allow them to be.

7. I love and nurture my body, my mind and spirit.

8. I welcome love and affection into my life.

9. I give myself permission to enjoy and experience intimacy without
guilt, shame, or fear.

10. When I forgive myself or others, I am healing me and breaking the
chain of negativity.

11. All positive change begins with my acceptance of my current reality.

12. I create and increase my personal power when I live a now focused life.

13. Regular laughter increases the quality of my life and strengthens
my immune system.

14. I am powerless over all of YOUR actions.

15. I invite people into my life who have time for me and who are free
to love and care for me.

16. I am worthy of the support and the love that I am given.

17. I am responsible for my own emotional and physical safety, and I
am willing to set healthy and loving boundaries that provide the
safety I need.

18. Loving me allows me the freedom to love you.

19. Miracles are the norm and not the exception, and at least one
miracle occurs in my life every day.

20. I choose to view this day as the most wonderful day of my life.
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can
start from now and make a brand new ending" Carl Bard