Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Love Yourself-Dr. Ripal K. Kotak

We all know what love is. We've felt it at one time or the other for
people around us, who form part of our life. I am not talking of
romantic love. I am talking of the deep sense of affection and bonding
that we feel for people we care about, whether it be parents,
children, friends, or someone else. Unconditional love does not
require any of these to be exceptional in any manner, we love them
just as they are; their joy forms our joy, their pain our shared
burden. We have faith in them; we think highly of them. Their success
or failure does not change our opinion of them. To us they are perfect
just the way they are; their strengths, their weaknesses, all form a
part of who they are and that is who we love and cherish. We accept
them with their idiosyncrasies and their peculiarities; we don't judge
them for who they are, instead we love them for it.

Now I want you to ask you if you feel the same way about yourself. Do
you love yourself? As children we didn't judge ourselves, as adults we
do. Do you accept yourself just the way you are? Do you like the way
you look? Do you think you are successful? Do you think you are

Our opinion of ourselves has more to do with our success and failure
in life than that of others.

If the success or failure of people you care about doesn't affect the
way you feel about them, why don't you extend the same courtesy to

It doesn't matter how rich, good looking, or successful you are. What
matters is how you perceive yourself and those around you.

Every snowflake is perfect. So are you. Unique and perfect. Love
yourself for who you are, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in
health. Love yourself with all your frailties and weaknesses. Your
pimples form as much a part of you as do your dimples. Enjoy them

You may not be the best in your field, you may not be the best
looking, or the most successful… but that should not stop you from
loving yourself.

Every fiber of your being resonates with the melody of the Universe.
You are as much a marvel as the other wonders the Universe offers.
Just open your eyes and see. Every pebble, every stone, every weed is
perfect. They are all part of the whole, each making their own
contribution to the world.

With love comes faith, with faith comes belief. Learn to trust
yourself. If you face a setback believe in yourself enough that you
will see yourself through troubled times. If you fall don't chastise
yourself for falling, instead applaud yourself as you stand up again.

You are precious just the way you are. You do not need to do or
achieve anything to prove this. Know this. Love yourself the way you
are. You are here and you belong. Just as everyone else.

Look at yourself with the same loving eyes with which you see the ones
you cherish.

Go ahead. Have a love affair with yourself. No one deserves it more.